Hypothesis Subspace

What interventions do latent resonators afford?

Intervention atoms:

  1. isolate: Take the conjuction of multiple exemplified patterns in an attempt to isolate the signature of a common dynamic.
  2. merge: Take the disjunction of multiple isolated dynamics.
  3. amplify: Inject a filter which amplifies one or more given dynamics relative to the others.
  4. suppress: Inject a filter which dampens one or more given dynamics relative to the others.
  5. verify: Detect whether an ML model has previously internalized one or more given dynamics.


  1. isolate + amplify: Nudge the model towards making use of a whitelisted dynamic.
  2. isolate + merge + amplify: Nudge the model towards making use of multiple whitelisted dynamics.
  3. isolate + suppress: Nudge the model away from making use of a blacklisted dynamic.
  4. isolate + merge + suppress: Nudge the model away from making use of multiple blacklisted dynamics.
  5. isolate + verify: Check whether an unboxed model is fluent in one or more blacklisted dynamics by boxing it, training and isolating the target dynamic(s), and estimating the amount of recycled representational resources.
What interventions do latent resonators afford?